Sunday, June 01, 2008

learning tower

so I finally talked Ben into buying the learning tower...

and his first request was that we make a cake.....
Normally if I'm in the kitchen... the girls always want up.... either me holding them while trying to cook, clean, bake.... or they want to sit on the counter and help...

the girls, all three enjoy using the tower, but the picture of the three of them was to dark.. oops... now the girls are always saying - "me help you cook mama" So far it's beeen a cake, pancakes, and salad... yeah we haven't been home much ~lmao~

Here are a few pictures while making the cake... which Sydney didn't even want to try... I guess the cake mix was enough.... Peyton cracked the egg pretty good... but Sydney pretty much just crushed the entire egg in her hand... I guess we have to work on that.


  1. Horray. Blogs galore! I have never seen one of those. I am sure that will be fun for them! =)

  2. egads! Have any chins hit the counter yet? Any toes stubbed? Can it support adults? Hmm...stay out of the cupboards Bianca...things are high up for a reason! LOL. Don't teach your sisters any tricks!
