Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Here a pox, there a pox, everywhere a pox pox - Poor lil Peyton's got a pox

Here an itch, there an itch, everywhere an itch itch - Poor lil Peyton's got an itch

Pox on my back, on my neck, in my hair

pox on my front, on my ears, on my eyelids

...and I'm still smiling


  1. Cute pics!...but UGLY pox! :( How is she handling it? How are you handling it? It doesn't look like they're keeping her smiles away - silly thing! I'm guessing the "sleeping" is the hardest part?

    It's strange that Sydney doesn't have them (yet!). You can only dream for them to have them at the same time so that it wouldn't seem like WEEKS that you've been battling this stuff.

    Are we all scabby now? Is there an end in sight? I wish I was that happy with the pox!

    Continued hugs your way!

  2. Wow.. I did not remember what they looked like.. ouch.
    she is a trooper though!!!

  3. Pox? In December? Damn... poor baby!!!
